Initial social media challenge (60 min home assignment)
This initial challenge should be easy for you. This challenge reflects one aspect of your role as a content marketing expert at Swabian Instruments: you represent the company in professional social networks. This challenge will give you a good idea about the minimum content-production skills that the marketing role requires. This is also a great chance for you to shine. You will have to produce two short LinkedIn posts based on the background information we provide. We set this up so that you can start the challenge at your preferred time.
Initial Conversation (30 min)
This call is usually with our internal talent team. Here we will get to know each other and understand mutual expectations. We want to learn more about your motivation, your passion, and your scientific background. We will ask you to give us feedback about the initial social media challenge and we will give you feedback about your results. During the call, you will also have the opportunity to ask your questions. You will not be asked anything tricky here.
Understanding and promoting a laboratory instrument (1.5 h home assignment)
In this challenge, we will not only experience your technical understanding, but also allow you to check whether you feel comfortable with this typical task for a content marketing expert. You will be asked to compose an appealing LinkedIn post that announces a launch of a new product by Swabian Instruments. To ensure objectivity, we will prepare for you a written description of the product that you can work on independently. You will receive detailed feedback on your solution from us at the next application step.
Presentation and discussion of your scientific work (60 min)
Several members of our science team will join this session. It will be like a little seminar in a research group with an active discussion. We will ask you to present your previous scientific work. Although we are curious about the scientific discoveries you made, we are typically more focused on your communication style and ability to present scientific content in a clear and appealing manner.
Make sure your presentation is understandable for someone outside of your field.
Provide a strong motivation for your work.
Highlight your experimental and technical experience.
Talk about the problems you solved.
Explain how you solved them and why you chose this approach.
We expect you to know technical details about the instrumentation that you have used in your scientific work. We will ask. We also expect you to know alternative instrumentation, and why you or your lab has decided to go for this particular solution. Therefore, recall technical details for your instruments before your presentation, especially if your experiments were a few years ago.
We want to see a CLEAR SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING, as well as your ability to put your work into a WIDER SCIENTIFIC CONTEXT. We are looking for evidence that you can understand complex research topics and communicate them clearly and efficiently.
Personal interview (60 min)
You are going to talk to two senior members of the team about your motivations, interests, and learning points throughout your career and share your future career outlook.
The most important point is to be open with us and honest with yourself - we want to see what really makes you tick.
You should be able to
Discuss anything written on your CV in depth.
Provide specific examples about what you did and the resulting impact.
Criticize yourself - we actively encourage you to admit past mistakes and tell us what you learned from them.
Talk about what you like about your current or previous roles, and how this has shaped you.
Discuss any changes or areas of improvement you would like to address and why.
Describe the way that you work, what you need to thrive, and how others might perceive you.
Discuss your professional interests - the areas you’d be excited to work in.
Importantly, you should be able to explain why you would like to join Swabian Instruments and connect what you know about us with your own personal motivations.