We provide Pulse Streamer client software interfaces for Python, Matlab, and LabVIEW, including programming examples. The Pulse Streamer clients can also be obtained via the respective open repository (PyPI, MathWorks Add-on Explorer, and VIPM). In addition, we provide the
Pulse Streamer Application, a simple graphical user interface for Windows. The GUI shows the Pulse Streamer’s basic functionality and can easily be used to work with your device interactively. Furthermore, the new GUI will intuitively guide you through the processes of updating the firmware and network configuration of your Pulse Streamer 8/2.
Pulse Streamer Application | 02 May 2024 |
Python Client | 01 Jun 2023 |
Matlab Client | 02 May 2024 |
LabView Client | 01 Jun 2023 |
Programming Examples | 01 Sep 2021 |
We recommend continuously updating all devices to our latest Pulse Streamer 8/2 firmware (currently v1.7.2/June 2023). The Pulse Streamer Application will inform you about available updates and guide you through the firmware update process. In case you need to update a device located in a network without internet access, please manually download the updater file before performing the firmware update in the Pulse Streamer Application.
NOTE: To be compatible with our most recent software and thereby with our GUI-updater, your device needs to operate with at least firmware version v1.0.1 (November 2018). If your device is not equipped with firmware v1.0.1 or later, please contact support@swabianinstruments.come. We will provide a customized firmware update for you.